Fruit Bearing #1: The Father Expects Fruit (video)
Ed kicks off a new series on Christians and fruit bearing. This is some great and challenging material.
Discipleship #4: Taking Christ’s Commission Personally (video)
The final lesson in the Discipleship series focuses on the personal commitment every Christian must have to Christ’s commission. Get the fill in the blank outline here –
Discipleship #3: Devoted to the Apostles’ Teaching
The latest installment by Ed McGeachy in the Discipleship series. What a great course of study! A fill-in-the-blank outline is available for use as you watch the video. (FYI – the words that go in the blanks are in all CAPS in the video subtitles.) Get the outline here – Read more…
Discipleship #2: Fellowship (video)
Ed McGeachy continues his Discipleship series with a lesson from God’s Word on the true meaning and importance of fellowship. You can grab the lesson outline to use as you watch the video here –
Discipleship #1: True Worship (Video)
Ed McGeachy began a new series on discipleship with a lesson on the importance of true worship. Make sure to grab a copy of the fill-in-the-blank lesson outline to use while watching video of his lesson. Outline –
“Has The Church Lost Its Uniqueness?” (Video)
Charles Harris continues our Gospel Meeting with a lesson on the unique nature and origin of the Lord’s church.
“According To The Scriptures” (Video)
Charles Harris gets our Gospel Meeting off to a great start. Our theme is “The Church That Christ Built.” It is a timely message regarding the church that Christ died for.
Summer Series – How Faith Shapes Our Understanding of Death
Karl Jones, of the Burleson Church of Christ, delivers a lesson on Christians, faith and death.
Gospel Meeting – September 27-30th
The Bridgewood Church of Christ is excited to announce our upcoming Gospel Meeting with Charles Harris. “The Church That Christ Built” Sunday, September 27 “According To The Scriptures” Monday, September 28 “Has The Church Lost Its Uniqueness?” Tuesday, September 29 ”The Truth and Nothing But The Truth?” Wednesday, September 30 Read more…