Summer Series – Buddy Fry (video)
Buddy Fry, of the Grandview Church of Christ, delivers a lesson on faith, purpose and happiness as a part of our Summer Series.
Buddy Fry, of the Grandview Church of Christ, delivers a lesson on faith, purpose and happiness as a part of our Summer Series.
Ryan Inlow, of the Pleasant Ridge Church of Christ in Arlington, delivers a lesson on how our faith impacts the way we handle the times when others sin against us.
Dan Flournoy, of the Handley Church of Christ, delivers a lesson on how faith shapes our morals.
Only 16% of homes in the United States consist of a “traditional family.” Today it is urgent that all fathers understand the role that God has given them. Ed’s lesson on the God-fearing father is a good study for everyone. Click here to listen.
Bill Keele, of the New York Avenue Church of Christ in Arlington, presents a lesson on faith and how it shapes the world view of the Christian. Lesson title: “How Faith Shapes Our World View”
Ed McGeachy presented a wonderfully unique lesson from the Bible regarding marriage, same-sex unions, cohabitation and divorce on Sunday morning. The lesson is a re-examination of God’s purpose and design for marriage. It is well worth spending 30 minutes to hear this message from God’s Word. Click here to listen.
Kevin Langford delivered an excellent message on faith and the home as a part of our Summer Series. Check out the video of the lesson.
Congrats to our graduating seniors: Bonita, Christa and Genesis. Our congregation wishes each of you the best as you make the leap into the adult world!
Our very own preacher, Ed McGeachy, got Summer Series 2009 off to a great start. You can watch his entire lesson in the video above.
Some of the Bridgewood teens pitched in to help do work around the church building on our recent ‘Afternoon Out.’ After eating lunch we prepped the pavilion for our Memorial Day family picnic and spruced up the flower bed on the north side of the building. Way to go teens!